Sunday, March 13, 2016

Starting Fresh... Again

I have a hard time posting I know! HonestlyI was using this blog originally as a service project, and kind of just stopped when I finished... Yes, I know, not ok.

Anyway, hopefully I can start some new habits and use this as an actual journal...

So, today with daylight savings time and what not I had to wake up at 7a.m.! Ok, that may not seem that bad, but my weekends are my catch up on sleep days! That did not happen today sadly. *sniff Moving on! 
I was ale to go to one of my friends mission homecoming talks today. She served in Virginia as and LDS missionary for eighteen months. Awesome! I admire her so much. She gave an amazing inspirational talk today too,and you could tell that she really did learn so much. Her main focus was on God making up for all that we lack if we only just turn to him. This just now made me think of Moses in the wilderness with all of his people and how when the people were being wicked the Lord caused that there should be a plague of snakes in the land which they temporarily dwelt. So when the people were bitten some turned to Moses who turned to God for aid and He was able to help.

(Go check out this story! Number 21)


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