Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Goal Not Written...

So, to start of, I am very sorry that I haven't been on my blog! :( I mean, it is kind of hard to balance my school stuff, my job, soccer, cello, and on top of all that a blog. Haha! There's my my very bad excuse!

Alright, I've been thinking about my blog often lately, and decided since another school year is over I might as well start updating everything! Yeah! 

So today's topic is on goals! I absolutely love the quote, "A goal not written down is only a wish." I'm sorry I don't know who to give the credit to, but this is just so deep. If you didn't already know, I love learning about the mind, and it has been statistically proven that the mind is able to remember things better when they are written down. This goes show that people who write down their goals, and have those goals where they can see them daily are more likely able to achieve them. 

I was also listening to a discussion recently on goals, and one of the speakers made reference to a study done on Harvard MBAs and why 3% of them make ten times more money than the other 97% combine, and I thought it was so cool! I very much suggest you look it up! Here's a link to a pretty well summed up version of the study:

So, that was my thought for the day, and hope the wrest of your week will be fabulous! And here are a few more amazing quotes to go along with you, and remember to write down your goals!

(I really really like this one. ^^^)


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