Sunday, March 13, 2016

Starting Fresh... Again

I have a hard time posting I know! HonestlyI was using this blog originally as a service project, and kind of just stopped when I finished... Yes, I know, not ok.

Anyway, hopefully I can start some new habits and use this as an actual journal...

So, today with daylight savings time and what not I had to wake up at 7a.m.! Ok, that may not seem that bad, but my weekends are my catch up on sleep days! That did not happen today sadly. *sniff Moving on! 
I was ale to go to one of my friends mission homecoming talks today. She served in Virginia as and LDS missionary for eighteen months. Awesome! I admire her so much. She gave an amazing inspirational talk today too,and you could tell that she really did learn so much. Her main focus was on God making up for all that we lack if we only just turn to him. This just now made me think of Moses in the wilderness with all of his people and how when the people were being wicked the Lord caused that there should be a plague of snakes in the land which they temporarily dwelt. So when the people were bitten some turned to Moses who turned to God for aid and He was able to help.

(Go check out this story! Number 21)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Goal Not Written...

So, to start of, I am very sorry that I haven't been on my blog! :( I mean, it is kind of hard to balance my school stuff, my job, soccer, cello, and on top of all that a blog. Haha! There's my my very bad excuse!

Alright, I've been thinking about my blog often lately, and decided since another school year is over I might as well start updating everything! Yeah! 

So today's topic is on goals! I absolutely love the quote, "A goal not written down is only a wish." I'm sorry I don't know who to give the credit to, but this is just so deep. If you didn't already know, I love learning about the mind, and it has been statistically proven that the mind is able to remember things better when they are written down. This goes show that people who write down their goals, and have those goals where they can see them daily are more likely able to achieve them. 

I was also listening to a discussion recently on goals, and one of the speakers made reference to a study done on Harvard MBAs and why 3% of them make ten times more money than the other 97% combine, and I thought it was so cool! I very much suggest you look it up! Here's a link to a pretty well summed up version of the study:

So, that was my thought for the day, and hope the wrest of your week will be fabulous! And here are a few more amazing quotes to go along with you, and remember to write down your goals!

(I really really like this one. ^^^)


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

   Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you are all doing well, and spending as much time as possible with your families. 
   I feel in this day and age we, as a general people, have forgotten the true meaning of our holidays, and why we celebrate them. I think this picture will sum up my meaning quite well...

    Some families have even abandoned the traditional feast just to get the best bargains and deals. All I'm saying is that we should celebrate this time that we have now for its true purpose. 

Here's the story of Thanksgiving if you are interested in this link.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

What Are You Fasting for?

So, today is fast Sunday, and I have a friend in the hospital being tested to see what medications she might need to help her with her autism, and the other disorders she has. She has been in the hospital for a few weeks now, and the doctors still don't know what medications she needs. I just want to ask a little favor of you, could you pray for my friend Audrey? And also for the doctors so that they might be able to figure out what she needs to help her.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Builders or Wreckers

I watched them tearing a building down,

A gang of men in a busy town.
With a ho-heave-ho and lusty yell,
They swung a beam and a sidewall fell.
I asked the foreman, “Are these men skilled,
As the men you’d hire if you had to build?”
He gave me a laugh and said, “No indeed!
Just common labor is all I need.
I can easily wreck in a day or two
What builders have taken a year to do.”
And I tho’t to myself as I went my way,
Which of these two roles have I tried to play?
Am I a builder who works with care,
Measuring life by the rule and square?
Am I shaping my deeds by a well-made plan,
Patiently doing the best I can?
Or am I a wrecker who walks the town,
Content with the labor of tearing down?

I got this poem fromm: